Eight of Wands


8 of Wands is the card of the day as I’ve been drawing it for weeks now.Things are moving very fast now,Full steam ahead! Sudden changes, love affair, new job, new home. A productive busy time. Energy to achieve goals, fast results, sudden travel, new ideas ready to launch, Those on the go, good news is coming. Use your energy wisely because this is a period to finish what you started and beginning new projects, All systems are a go so make the most of this exciting raw energy that gives you focus,determination and willpower. Successful completions, Be ready to move quickly as new opportunities arise. Sometimes I see this card as simultaneously letting go of the old and moving onto the new at the same time as change happens rapidly to us and we don’t have time to ponder on them just have to go with the flow of life;)
Ronni’s Tarot & Insights’s photo.
Ronni’s Tarot & Insights’s photo.